Saturday, October 25, 2014

Can You Actually Get Rid of Cold Sore Overnight
Can You Actually Get Rid of Cold Sore Overnight
If you've ever woken up with a cold sore and panicked because you've got a hot date the next day, or looked in the mirror and saw the familiar little blisters emerging under your nose or on your lip, you'll know that there are things you can do to improve the look of your cold sore, but can you really get rid of cold sore overnight? The truth is that anyone who claims that you can make a cold sore disappear overnight is stretching the truth. It is possible to make it look and feel better but, as most cold sores, once they've reached the blister stage, they can last for between 7 to 10 days, it's unrealistic to think that you can eradicate it from your face overnight.
However, there are many things you can use to help your cold sore, from over the counter treatments to natural treatments, which will help to relieve the discomfort and inflammation that goes hand in hand with the appearance of a cold sore.
Caused by the Herpes Simplex virus (HSV1), cold sores usually appear on the outside of the mouth, often at the side, on your lips, beneath the nose, and sometimes in the mouth itself. Regular sufferers often experience a tingling or itching sensation at the site of the cold sore up to two days before it makes its appearance. Once the blisters appear, they start to burst open, oozing yellow liquid which eventually forms a curst before falling off to reveal the new skin beneath.
As you can imagine they're not an attractive sight but, more importantly, they're highly infectious until they crust over completely, and can be transferred to other people by kissing, or sharing eating utensils, towels, drinking glasses and anything that comes into contact with the cold sore.
The best way to treat a cold sore is to use a topical application of either an over the counter cold sore remedy, a natural cold sore treatment, or anti-viral creams or tablets prescribed by a doctor. However, none of these treatments will get rid of cold sore overnight, although they will reduce the inflammation, and help the cold sore to dry out, and thus become less infectious, and will also reduce the duration of the blisters.
But remember, HSV is extremely contagious, so if you do have a hot date, you should resist kissing as you run the risk of passing on your virus to your partner.

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