Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How To Choose A Walking Holiday In 4 Simple Steps

How To Choose A Walking Holiday In 4 Simple Steps
Walking is an activity that is gaining more popularity as anoutdoor activity in the UK these days. Certainly, in a world that is becoming more and more aware of the positive aspects of a healthy lifestyle and plenty of exercise, and walking is the form of activity towards which many people are moving too. Figures are showing that around three and a half million walking holidays are taken by Britain holiday makers every year.
Hiking trips offer a great combination of exercise and fresh air, but more than this they provide an ideal opportunity to get really close to the country you are exploring, to experience the landscape, culture and people in a way that is just not possible from inside a vehicle.
The advantages of such a vacation are self evident, but that doesn’t mean to say it should be something that you rush into. Making a careful choice helps to avoid any potential problems, and the first step towards selecting the kind of walking holiday that is right for you is a process of careful elimination.
Independent Or in a Group?
This is down to whether you enjoy the company and security of travelling in a group, or prefer to go it all by yourself? Naturally, there are benefits and downsides to both preferences. With group hiking you get to enjoy the experience in the company of like-minded people with whom you can socialise. The other side of the coin, however, is that travelling with others can tend to isolate you from the travel experience.
However, it cannot be argued that when you are in strange territory that there is safety in numbers. The security of travelling en masse helps to reduce the aspect of risk, a comforting element which in itself can aid enjoyment.
Group walking also offers the advantages of a local guide who is familiar with the landscape, society, culture and history and who can pass that knowledge on to you while making sure that you don’t stray off the path too far.
Walking with a group leaves you with less to take care of yourself, your days are planned for you and you can simply go along and enjoy yourself. However, there inevitably needs to be compromises as you are required to fit in, more or less, with what the majority decides. Fitting in with the pace of others is an example of this. Some walking holiday providers do cater for differing levels of ability within groups, and make arrangements accordingly.
Another area you might want to take into account is that the self guided walking holidays can be a lower priced option than their group equivalents.
As you can see there is a lot of difference between the two types of walking holiday, so make sure you choose the right type for your next trip.

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